Saturday, November 06, 2004
The Many Faces Of Footballl
Started of with an okey-dokey match between Chelsea and CSKA Moscow (Chelsea playing away), which Chelsea won. Not one of the best games. Nonetheless the match did show that Chelsea is getting better by the day. Now that their star-studded side of last year has been whittled down they are forming themselves into a formidable team. Now that they are level with Arsenal in the Premiership I think their future is going to be even better. The main reason for this optimism is their defence. They have only allowed one goal in their Premiership campaign. That, my friends, is phenomenal.
Getting back to the Champions League, the second match I watched was the one between Arsenal and Panathinaikos. A letdown for Arsenal fans whichever way you look at it. The fact that the match was a draw (1-1) might look all right in the record books but the fact is that the gunners were found lacking ammunition inside their own fort. I was never an all-out fan of Arsenal (last year I was swaying between ManU and Chelsea, this year I am squarely behind Chelsea, and I am backing an underdog, Real Madrid:D)
Nonetheless I do think they have great players and are normally good value for money. I mean with Henry and Pires attacking and competent feeders of the ball like Reyes and Viera available they play the best open football west of the Channel. However their loss at Old Trafford seems to have broken their spirit. Both the games after that loss has been lacklustre and the truth is that have just about managed to scrape through both. Feels like they are sulking and it is getting just a wee bit too childish. Hey ManU are not the best and if you let them get under your skin it speaks a lot about you too!!! More about this rant in another article another time.
The last match I saw was the best - AC Milan v/s Barcelona. The game was played in Barcelona and the hosts were the winners, the score line being 2-1. The score line does not tell the whole story. This was a fantabulous game. It was to be expected when the best of Serie A was facing the best of the Spanish Liga. The game was so beautiful that even if the score line was to be 1-1 we could still say that football was the winner.
The first goal went AC Milan's way when Shevchenko(as usual) put one in 17 minutes into the game. It was a beautiful long ball from Pirlo that made this possible. It seemed to be going all Milan's way when suddenly the tide turned. It started with Barca keeping much of the possession. Then around the 35th minute Cafu got hurt on his jaw and was momentarily outside the field to have a lookup by the medicos. Play was still on and in this crucial time when they were one man less Barca came up with a beautiful play which resulted in a through ball to Eto’o who did not make a mistake. The Score 1-1.
The score remained the same more the most part of the game. However the game was riveting with both teams playing beautiful football. For Barca it was a must win situation and it showed with them keeping possession for the most part. Then came the magic moment. Just when everyone had resigned themselves to a draw Ronaldinho takes a pass from Eto'o feints to the right, cuts the ball at speed to the left. In the next moment he moves from a packed field at the centre of the field just outside the penalty box to the left wing which was completely empty, picks the ball up again and shoots it to the back of the net. All within a matter of seconds in the 88th minute.
Sheer Magic!
No time for Milan to make a comeback and a beautiful game ends. After watching the ManU- Arsenal fixture last week I needed a game like this to make me believe in the beauty of football again. Thank you AC Milan and Barca. And THANK YOU Ronaldinho.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Funny how the cheesiest of phrases pop up into your head when you should be cringing instead!!!
In some ways the words are apt. Here I am, wherever here is!!! At least I think I AM!
I cannot see anything around me...anything of note that is. It is all stark white. 'Like the "Prayer for the Dying" video'. Inconsequential thought but apt again. It is indeed like that the depiction in Seal's video. I seem to be in a large, no make that a 'very' large, room; bright white in colour. Nothing in the room, bounded by the walls and the ceilings and the floor all reflecting light, or maybe creating light as I could not see any source.
Why am I here?
I am not ready to leap to conclusions so I decide to sit and think. No idea of how much time has passed. Does the fact that there is no change in my immediate surroundings mean that time is still, or worse, is it irrelevant. No! That cannot be true. I am thinking, which basically means that I must be progressing from one thought to another. This implies that I must be moving forward in time, on the assumption that each thought process does take some time, however infinitesimal it be. At least I think they do.
But that is not the problem here. I need to get out of the room and there does not seem any point of egress. Well! No point trying to think my way out of this problem. It is time to get up and check the room more closely. Since I have no sense of direction here I start to walk towards one of the walls. Seems like it is almost 10 feet away. In fact it seems like I was placed right at the centre of the room, as all the walls seem to be equidistant from me. Maybe it is some kind of optical illusion. Anyways, there's no time to be worrying about that.
Hey! I should have reached the wall by now but it still seems the same distance away. Even more worrisome it doesn't look like I have walked any further away from the wall behind me. Curious!!!
Maybe walking is not helping. Lets try running. I hate running but beggars cannot be choosers. To no avail: I end up with the same result. Now this is getting irritating. 1…2…3…1…2…3...calm down...losing cool will not help...there! That's better.
Look around the room again. Could the floor be a massive treadmill? ('Thank god at least all the walls are not mirrors like in most flicks. That would have been really spooky') Stray thought again!!! Get back to the problem! What if the floor is a gigantic treadmill? If it is then it should have some inertia. Lets try it out!!! I start running to one wall, just as I reach my top speed I take an about turn and run back ('Do I look like T. Henry when I do that? Maybe mirrors would not have been such a bad idea!') I did not feel any inertia from the floor. Furthermore the result seems to be the same. Not the best time to feel like I am the centre of the universe.
Maybe I did not do this right! Maybe the floor is very sensitive! Lets try a lot of zigzags. But first lets leave my pen at my feet. If I do this right I may not move a lot but at least the pen should be some distance from me. So here goes nothing...
... That was fun. Never ran so far in a long time. Lets see how far that was. Damn! The pen is right at my feet!!!
Now this IS getting g real spooky. Do I dare keep running for the rest of the day? Where the hell am I? Hey maybe this ain't really happening. Yes, that's it. I must be dreaming. No other explanation fits. What do I do now? Wake myself up!!! I heard that waking oneself up was dangerous. Maybe if I refuse to accept the reality of this it will go away. Yes! That's it! I lie down and close my eyes. That is much better. Yup, much better. Sorry 'White Room' you cannot frighten me for I know you do not exist. HA, HA, HA...sheeks, that was unnecessary and corny! Whatever, isn't it a moot point?
I can feel the idea is working, feels like I am slipping back into my sleep. Note to self, must analyse this dream tomo...
Bright light dazes me. I must have dozed off. Feels like I have had a nightmare judging by the heaviness I feel. I have to use my hands to pry my eyes open.
" Let There Be Light"
Funny how the cheesiest of phrases pop into your head...
Friday, August 13, 2004
The rivers roar in Pune
This time around the Corporation has done a good job of warning the slum dwellers who were staying on the banks of the rivers; so there hasn't been any tragedy. In fact it has become the spectacle of the decade, with people thronging all the bridges to watch their gutters turn back into mighty rivers. I had a glimpse and it was frightening. The river looked ugly and beautiful at the same time. The only reason I could reflect of the beauty in the powers of the water is because I had my feet firmly rooted on terra firma, the river a mere side show in my everyday life.
What it would be to be in the centre of that turbulence? How one must feel when this giant just rolls over your land, your home, your loved ones? Chilled to the bone I was at such thoughts. Scared to death to even visualise myself in those waters! Gives one a clear perspective!!! Nature always manages to do that!
Now the rains will abate in a matter of weeks, the dams will close their gates and the river will become a gutter again. I will miss the river. I have laughed at its sorry state from the day I landed in Pune 6 years ago but today it humbled me. It explained to me that its sorry state was the sacrifice that was made by it for the betterment of the children of the land. Today it showed me what it had sacrificed. I will miss the river. It taught me a lot in while merely passing by. Nature does that!!!
Friday, August 06, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Another Hallmark event coming up
... H A P P Y .... F R I E N D S H I P .... D A Y ...
Whew! Now that I have got that off my chest lets get back to what is actually going through my mind. Friendship, the concept, the relationship, the fragile thread that can be become the cord that helps you climb, or a rope with an anvil on the other side helping you fall...Friendship. Been thinking a lot about it lately...not very coherent thoughts as you can see but thoughts nonetheless. There is a quote which tries to explain why friendship is so dear to most people. It goes something like this, "Relatives have been decided by God, Thank God we get to decide our friends". I used to use this quote a lot through the years, but only now have I realised the lie that it was, at least for me, at least consciously. I met one of my best friends this week and felt very empty after the time we spent together. As I was thinking back on our friendship I realised that It was not like we were best friends from the day we met. Granted, this whole idea of a best friend is quite confusing, but we were close in a very on and off manner till we got to the same class and remained together for the next five years. And I did not choose to be his friend in any of the years I knew him (of course i did not resist it either). It just happened; just like that! Poof!!! This has been the way with a lot of close friends I have they were strangers one moment and friends the next, the process was instant in some cases and gradual in another, but the point is that I never really had a choice to decide that someone was my friend or not; they just were. And That Worries Me.
That worries me deeply. It worries me because there is no specific inter-dependencies or give-take relationship between my friends and myself. It worries me because I have based my whole life around the fact that I have a family of friends with me. In other words my existence, to romanticize the notion, depends on idea of friendship being the highly pure notion touted by everyone. And it has been...and if you know my friends you will know that it will always be. They will always be there. That is a trust that will never be broken. But I still worry. I worry whether I will be there for them...whether I have ever been a real sense that is!!!
And what does being there mean? Should I e-mail all my friends? Should I call them every now and then? Should I have to keep reminding them and through them myself that I am their friend? Should I? Should I? Should I? You see me problem...I am not getting anywhere here, just a rodent in a wheel.
Anyway it ain't like it is some tragic comic stuff which is happening to me here. Just a normal healthy quarter-life crisis [smile] The last two years have been great in that I have managed to meet a lot of my friends again, though sadly only for fleeting moments. In a very roundabout manner, these meetings and discussions have been instrumental in pushing me away from the limbo I was in (and towards the confusion I am in right now [smile]).{Many Thanks to my friends for the push in my thought processes} And here I am again ending up thinking more deeply about friendship itself [hmmm...] Funny how it always comes back to that.
So here I am entering 1st of August with friends on the top of my mind. Don't expect any emotional emails or poems or tears from me(though you can depend on my laughter or my sarcasm any time of the year[deep rumbling laughter]). And do not wait for my call...I will call you when I need you [ha ha ha...that was fun]. But believe this; you all will be in my thoughts, today and everyday. Most of you may never know what you mean to me, but I am who am I am due to all of you. And for that I again Thank You. Best of Luck for everything you are involved in and GOD(/GAIA/SCIENCE/SPIRIT/THE HIGHER ONE/NEO/etc...) bless!!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
The One Name They All Fear !!!
No! I am not alluding to myself, nor am I going to speak about Sauron or Darth Vader. No I speak of Van Helsing!!!
As is obvious this is one of the movies I watched during my break. It was tagged as a horror-flick so I decided to go alone as Megz hates horror stuff. To be frank I am not a big fan of the gooey slimy horror stuff myself and hence was pleased that the the tag was wrong. The IMDB site tags it more correctly as Action/Adventure/Horror/Fantasy/Thriller...and much more.
By now you must be feeling that this is some third rate B-grade bhelpuri of a movie. Well, you are partially right. To be perfectly honest the easiest way out for me here would be to slam the movie. I personally think that almost everyone I know will hate the movie. Yet I must confess; I absolutely loved the movie. Furthermore I was glad I watched it in the cinema hall and not on TV. Why you ask? Read on?(of course with the usual disclaimers)
The movie is NOT a horror flick; lets get that straight. What it does have are all the luminaries from the best horror literature around. And what is does with them is entertain, please note: Entertain not Terrify(though the characters are terrifying in themselves).
So here we have a movie starring Edward Hyde, Werewolves, Dr. Frankenstein?s Monster, Vampires and the father of them all; Count Dracula himself. Furthermore I read that Van Helsing too figures in Stoker?s book but I am not so sure.
They have pushed artistic liberty to its limits with they way they have played with these characters but the results are fun. We end up with a James Bond for the horror world, if you will, and the result is not all too bad. The acting department is not much to speak of, but then again it is an action flick, and hence acting was not something I expected. The fun part was the way they wove the creatures together, giving them a character that you would expect if you have read the respective pieces of literature. So you end up with totally animalistic werewolves to a monster that you care for to the granddaddy of cunning and guile, the Count himself. The story telling is fast, furious, fantastic and wonderfully unbelievable.
However all this would not have been enough. What really carries the movie are the sound and the cinematography. Beautiful is the only word I can us. The set design and attention to detail is also superlative. I did not completely agree with Hyde?s character as I felt it was more ?The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? rather than the original ?Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde? but the depiction was enjoyable. The other characters were very true to my picture of them. So were the locations and this was the best part of the movie. So we had a gloomy terrifying castle in Transylvania while we had the old urban locales of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background(only half completed) Additionally there was always a touch of humour to proceedings as every horror and thriller cliché was lampooned, without losing the plot or slipping into a mere spoof.
All in all a wonderful experience of cinema! I enjoyed it immensely. Will you?
Sunday, July 18, 2004
A Time for R&R.
I took time out from my work during the first week of July. The month before (in fact the whole year before that) had completely sapped my energies and I desperately needed to rest. Since Megz had joined a new place of work there was no way she was going to get a leave. Hence there were no travel plans. Instead I spent the week in a different kind of paradise. All I did throughout the week was
Great week!!! I have lots to write about it, which I will try to put down here in the coming week. There are things I want to speak about Movies, about games, about computer science, about quarter life crisis etc. Let me see how much of this I actually put down on paper.
However there is one very important thing that I thought should be mentioned right here right now. All you people out there please do not underestimate the requirement of rest. Your body requires it, your mind requires it; hell!!! I am sure your soul requires it. Taking a break completely cut off from the world is very useful to clear your head. It gives you time to question your perspectives on life and change it if required. It gives you an opportunity to work out the priorities of your life, to work out the depth to which you are ready to get involved with things. One may not come out with a great revelation of life after such a break; but it does reboot your systems.
I deserved such a break and so do all of you.
Long Time No See!!!
Hello friends,
Sorry folks, for being on such a long leave of absence from this site. My heartfelt thanks you to all of you who kept visiting the site. I apologize once again for not finding any new material here.
I am back and will endeavour to get back on track here.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Friday, June 04, 2004
The Old Grey Whistle Test!
next 2 hours. Try it out. It is the DVD of a program which used to air in UK
in the 70's and the 80's. Phenomenal stuff!!! Like some one said...the show
put more emphasis on sound rather than visuals...and it shows! Great voices,
great guitar riffs, just wonderful. So if you see a BBC DVD called "The Grey
Whistler Test" check it out. This is the one I heard.Here's one link for
more history on the program.
Sunday, May 30, 2004
blog of how the young should inherit this country some days ago.
The short reaction, worth a dekko.
The long one:
Seen movies of this variety before, in South films. Nonetheless there was a
lot which is saying quite a lot for these days. According me it had quite
realistic story(in a filmi andaaz of course). And it had great
action...really great fight scenes especially towards the end("Vikram"
Dharam is the fight director, I think). Disclaimer: the violence does get a
wee bit too realistic at times. My wife hated it, so if you are squeamish
thing again.
However I like this movie for a completely different reason. We have ACTORS
in this movie. I kid you not!. Ajay Devgan has proved himself in this genre
from some time, especially with his Company and GanagaJal acts. So you would
expect a great performance from him and he delivers. Ditto for Abhishek. He
delivers, and how!!! If you want only two reasons for watching this movie,
they are Ajay and Abhishek. And Rani, with another down to earth performance
is the third!!!
And the greatest star of the movie is Mani Rathnam, the way he has used
Vivek Oberoi, Kareena Kapoor and Esha Deol beyond their potential. At least
Vivek has some potential so not a big challenge there. However the same
cannot be said about the other two, and not their mistake really. Both
Kareena and Esha depend on a good director to guide them if they want to
make an impact beyond pretty face and pretty smile. In this movie Kareena
manages not to overact and Esha actually manages to act.
Again being a Mani Ratnam movie, all the other aspects were well done, like
music, locales and cinematography. Though I must point that the blair witchy
camera mode was a wee bit overused, especially in songs.
Any ways all in all a thumbs-up to the movie. Immensely watchable as I
caught the 11:00pm show and did not sleep through the show :)Pompously I
give it 3.5 stars ;).
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Da Vinci revisited.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
site: HAIKU for PEOPLE
Many people feel that one should not have to follow any rules as this is art. I say only two things,
one, to bend rules effectively you need to have had worked rigourously under those rules for some time, and two, if you do not follow this rule why call it a Hokku/Haiku. After all names are classification based on some rules.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
With respect to mailing in the blogs!
1. I use the Word attachment to draft the email in my office. This resulted in a lot of template code which came into picture and messed up my page, with the whole right side column moving to the bottom. Lesson: Use text emails to post to Blogger.
2. I have enabled Blogger comments. However as you can see the blogs which have been posted by email do not have these comments. Got to check out if it is something that I have not set or a problem with blogger.
One pointer for people who do not like to read the Help:
When you are sending a mail and are pretty sure that your company is going to add a trailer to the mail, just add "#end" after your post.
njoy Blogging.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Sunday, May 16, 2004
"I saw a movie" rap:)
and some rythym & some bass;
Bfore y'all doze
let me pick the pace.
Saw 8 mile this week,
yup, I know I ain't quick
but better late than never
to watch a good flick.
Liked the lyrical battles,
the in-your face wars;
some real kewl rappin
Not some lame MTV farce.
This rappers are dope
great jugglers of words,
a great sense of beat
flows through their blood.
If that's true hip hop
I am sold to tha plan,
show me some more,
of this man and this clan.
Now the movie was great
Meusic even more
It had that skill
to touch one's core.
So if you ain't seen this movie
get off your butts and go
to the nearest rental
to rent the next show
And if you want to act smarts
and disregard what I say,
like Lotta says,""F$@K YOU!
but have a nice day!!!"
Blogs Mailed To Order!!!
If you haven't paid special attention to the new setup of Blogger,
especially its settings, you really are missing something.
This blog and the one before this one was emailed by me to Blogger and got
published automatically. Is that kewl or what!!! At long last the common
man's blogsite is moving to features given by more premium sites. Oh Yeah!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2004
The Young Should Inherit This Country!!!
coaster ride for India with respect to the pre-poll meetings, voting, exit
polls and getting to know their "leaders again". I have had half an eye on
this election race and one thing that has attracted me is the presence of a
lot of young(relatively speaking) hopefuls in these elections. These guys
are really cool dudes. Take the case of Omar Abdullah and Rahul Gandhi.
Karan Thapar was asking various leaders(of smaller parties) today on who
they will support in the centre, the NDA or the Congress lead by Sonia
Gandhi. While most leaders were hedging their bets Omar said directly that
they would not be supporting wither NDA or Sonia. When asked for the reason
he cam out openly to say that they cannot support Congress in the centre
when Congress supports their rival party in the State. This was expected,
though not in such direct terms, but the real bombshell was with his reason
for not joining the NDA. Karan Thapar asked him whether he does not want to
help NDA now as revenge for them not helping his party two years ago. I was
waiting for the usual hee-hawing of most politicians and was stunned by his
answer "Yes Karan, that is precisely the reason". Kewl, a politician who
speaks his mind.
Now coming to Rahul Gandhi ... he has really starred in these elections.
Truly no one has campaigned with more impact than him. The other he was
quoted as saying that he does not care about these elections but would
rather look towards how his party can regain lost glory in UP in the coming
years. I said to myself "Hmmm, an astute politician". So imagine my surprise
when I heard him say the following today " We are politically against TDP
and Chandrababu Naidu. However that does not mean that one should forget
that Chandrababu Naidu has been in power in AP for 10 years and in these
years he has worked towards what he considered to be betterment for his
state. To take a person who has worked so hard for his state and ridicule
himn calling him elitist or computer babu as is being done by the media is
utter malice." Whoah!this guy has got guts.
Young dudes in politics, I Am Lovin It.:)
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
The Da Vinci it!!!
So as often happens with me I went to buy this book and ended up buying one more ...Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. I could not find my old copy of the Zen and reading it is an annual pilgrimage for me. However more about the Zen on a different day.
The Da Vinci Code is a great book. It is quite well written and tightly paced. It does fall into using the usual backbone structure of most fictional thrillers (sudden thrust of mystery on unsuspecting man, beautiful girl to help out, arcane cults, police mishandling situation etc.). However the secret of this book (and its saving grace) is how it plays on historical fact and conspiracy theories. The first book that came to my mind as I read this one was The Name of the Rose (an interesting parallelism as the rose plays an important part in this book too.) as it has the same feel to the story. Another reason it struck a chord with me is that I was quite caught up in the history of the Knights Templar on my visit to UK. Religious and vindictive knights also reared it head in comics especially the Batman series. This background did make me appreciate this book better. However even without any historical knowledge this book should still be fun as it is quite self sufficient with respect to information.
The best thing about this book is it's pacing. The mystery unravels so fast that it is very difficult to put the book down. I started reading it at 21:30 hours and did not put the book down till 4:00 hours, by which time I had completed it. No way could I sleep till I had reached the end of the road.
All in all money well spent, thanks to Darth Pedro for good advice.
Brij Is Back!!!
Friday, April 30, 2004
Success is 1% genius 99% perception ;)
a clear idea of right and wrong;
an understanding of what was truth,
and what was false.
Time has however matured me (or so they say),
and truth is no longer clear.
Even worse I do not know
if truth exists.
So now my life revolves,
around perceptions.
My own, and what I perceive others perceiving.
And I try to move ahead with the appreciation,
of all perceptions around me.
And I Move Not!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Dream Machines
Saturday, April 24, 2004
The BMan is on GMail
Well the reality is that since I am a user of Blogger (which is owed by Google) I was invited (as I expect every Blogger account holder to be) to be part of GMail as an user. Nontheless I am pretty excited as I really wanted to check this service. In fact I had spoken earlier about it in the blog About Gmail. Especially since it will use google search internally. One pluspoint of being early joinee is that I got my fav. brijwhiz handle :)
So all you Blogger users, check out you front page of and get on to GMail.
For others, if you are still not on this service do not fret, I will try to get back with a review of the service.
Regards to all!!!
Aaya Re Aaya Elections Aaya!!!
This time the drama of the election campaigns have been most interesting. It was interesting to see Congress push Rahul into the fray…and even more interesting to see that he might actually win with quite a comfortable margin. Another interesting point is the dependence of BJP on Varun. It is very curious how a party filled with leaders who hated Indira Gandhi’s guts (many times validly) is depending on her grandson, who in his turn is using her name to maximum advantage.
Before any BJP lover or Congress lover sends me brickbats let me clarify that I can understand that parties need to be opportunistic. I know that no party has any ideals except for populist ones like Ram Mandir and Gandhi Parivar. I know that I should be sad…but I am not…in fact I am ecstatic…happy to se that at the end of the day…regardless of whom you vote…we will get the same kinda of government…only the name of the parties will change. It gives a kind of stability (good or bad!) to the country.
Mera Bharat Mahan!!!
Friday, April 23, 2004
Speak out !
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Alto :: Let's Go
When I was buying the alto it came in 3 trims, LX, LXi and VXi. LX version had the same engine as the Maruti 800, a 796 MPFI engine. However it had A/C and a 5-speed gearbox. Maruti had discontinued the 5-speed 800 and Alto takes it's place. The next trim is LXi, which comes with an electronic power steering. The next trim is VXi, which was way too costly for me. This trim came with the Wagon R 1000cc engine with 67bhp. My trim only gives 45bhp(more than enough for the city...and the way Venky uses his 800 should be good enough for the state highways.)
The Alto comes with no extras so I managed to convince the dealer to put in some extras, viz. Rubber mats, steering wheel covers, side skirts, lighter and mud flaps. I also put in around 20 grand more to get myself a Pioneer music system, about which I have spoken in much detail earlier, a security system(NIPPON Maruti OEM) with central locking, tamper alarm, impact alarm and ignition lock and Goodyear tubeless tyres.
The future, well in the future the two things I am looking for is a tachometer and alloy wheels. However that will be some time in the future.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
GUi Bloopers
DrinkBoy: Adventures in Cocktails
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Off the list
Other respectable jerks being Sujith and Rohan...wake up ye lazy bones!!!
A very respectable mention(in the positive) to Nitin for the good work he is doing in his blog...chaos. Well done dude.
Other Uber-jerk members- Venky, Shaibal and Magi
regards and power to the bloggers.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Black Blog Day!
BBC - Lifestyle - Motoring
BBC Top Gear!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
About Gmail!!!
Monday, April 12, 2004
Pioneer it is!!!
285 kms 55 hrs!!!
Of these 285kms around 120kms were driven by my Papa and the rest by yours truly under his tutelage. Damn great fun. Especially when around 100kms of my share was on the Pune - Lonavla -Pune Expressway.
I love my car!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Sublimal Thoughts
Conformity: When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.
Friday, April 09, 2004
So many little attention span!
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…elcome again to Radio 17’s “Souped-Up Machine show”. Before the break our man on the ground BK was just gonna speak about his choice for an audio system for his car…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…A-keep your eyes on the road your hands upon the wheeal…A-keep your eyes on…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…and here on The Commoner’s Show we move on to another unknown face from the crowd…”Sir, what is your handle? “ “Beoda”…”A very warm welcome to Beoda. So Sir what are your memories about music and driving…”…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…samaana bhi hai deewana; deewana kya kaheage…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…and I have always been a big fan of the Souped-Up Machine Show. When I look at a need for a system I want mid-ranges with a nice span to accommodate both the treble and the bass. What I am looking for is clarity…what I am not looking for is moving through Sindhi Society with my car vibrating on its suspension and going dinchaak dinchaak. Let me first explain the limitations…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…on the back of the roadhouse they got some bungalows…well at the back of the roadhouse they got some bungalows…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…and my favorite times being in a car listening to great tunes was with my friend Kapil in his dad’s Esteem. I do not remember what system he had but we listened to a lot of rock in that car. I distinctly remember listening to Led Zep and how the tape would skip at a specific spot due to bad recording…we would actually incorporate that skip as we sang along.
And we also heard the whole Sholay tapes…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…aaap Close-up kyon nahin karten hainnnn…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
… and so I had to meet the budget constraint of 10000INR for my system (without the rear speakers) This resulted in my choice limited to the following brands Sony, Kenwood, JVC and Pioneer. As I explained earlier I was not going in for a cassette player so it was an in-dash cd/mp3 player for me. Again as I have already explained I did not want a system tending to bass, so Sony did not look great to me. So I had to decide between the Pioneer and the Kenwood. Both of them had great features. However I was adamant on wanting to listen to the system. My dealer then set up three systems for me. At the end of the day I decided upon the…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…roll bay roll…you gotta roll….
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…Doors was another group I heard for the first time in a car. I was with a friend of mine…quite a junkie he was in his Fiat. I heard Roadhouse Blues and Highway Star for the first time in his car. He needed the Deep Purple cassette but was adamant that I take the Doors cassette to listen to it. Since he was offering me the cassette and Moraka I happily accepted the first and firmly rejected the latter. Left the cassette in Venky’s place and came back after a couple of days to find that Venky did not really like it. That was very surprising. On probing further he said some inane reasoning like it was too heavy or it was too druggie or some such shit. I forced him to keep hearing for one more day. The next day I cam for the cassette but he was not ready to return it. In fact he kept it for close to 6 months. Even now he is almost an established authority on Doors…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…aaj ki khel ki khabron main…Pakistan Lahore test Jeet gayen bade asa…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…And that was BK with his choice. What about you do you have any special choice … do write into the “Souped-Up Machine Show” at POBox no…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
…I wake up in the morning and I got myself a beer…the future’s uncertain and the end is always near…
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
< static > …hiss…crackle……tweeennn….shioouu…< end static >
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
More on tubeless tyres.
Goodyear Eagle F1
Monday, April 05, 2004
An open request
For me the above question is a basic no-brainer. Any given day of the week I will go for the latter. Knowledge of syntax, tools etc. will surely help but are not essential. The keys traits that I require are curiosity, analytical skill, and above all a driving need to solve problems and take on challenges. For a long time I have interviewed people on these basis. To be entirely frank I have had to recruit freshers into the company after checking on only their basic theoretical skills but that was due to the fact that the company was on head-hunting spree and to meet the numbers we were trying in to get in every potential candidate. However for interviews to my own group I try to be much more stricter and really require people who are ready to solve, who know more about software engineering than just the tools of the trade, who have some inkling of what is going on around them. I strongly feel hat every person should aspire to be problem solvers rather than expert of an inanimate thing like a language or a protocol.
After reading the above paragraph you must be having a fair idea of where I stand on the matter of interviews and interviewing. (For an even better idea check out my favourite links about this subject : Joel on Software - The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing & "MadMan" on interviews) Imagine my surprise( or a rude shock depending on how you look at it) when I found from my friend that in all the interviews she has attended (as an interviewee) they always ask her syntactical questions( of the variety of how is a certain interface called and with which keyword or which function in which java library is required to do XYZ job). Come on!!! That’s what manuals are for. Why in the name of heaven would a person want to learn this information by rote?!?
I could rant on forever but that is not the goal of this blog.
The main concern I had, which made me write this blog, is to do with the advice that I regularly give people (yup, people actually come up to me for advice!!!)
Whenever a kid (broadly meaning younger to me either by age or experience in IT) has approached me with request for guidance for career growth I have always told them to be problems solvers. My normal advice is to not just be an expert in a certain language or tool. Instead I ask them to be an expert in the domain they are working in and gain enough expertise in tools to help them solve problems faster. Key phrase being ”to solve problems”. Now with this new knowledge of how interviews are being held I am worried whether I have been giving the wrong advice all the time.
So now to my request…can you my readers please give me an idea (from your practical knowledge) of what my advice should be? I would not want to mess up people’s chances making them conform to some idealistic professional Shangrila I have.
Many Thanks for the same.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
![]() | Faramir If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Faramir, Man of Gondor, the humble younger brother of Boromir. In the movie, I am played by David Wenham. Who would you be? |
Friday, April 02, 2004
And thanks for all the fish...
In the meantime why don't you pay a visit to ANON's page. The link is available on the right. He has added a lot of links and scripts which could be useful for your own sites.
NJoy the day and hope no one was made a fool of yesterday:)
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
More tinkering with the format.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
'I was taken by surprise' - Tendulkar
Thisis something that I find shocking in Sachin's communication with the world. On the cricket field you can see the amount he has matured as a player. However outside the field he sems to act childish...first with his ferrari car, now with this. He seriously needs an image advisor!!!
This was my take on the situation. Comments as usual are most welcome.
(Tum ek comment donge to main do doonga :))
Monday, March 29, 2004
RSS feed rectified.
While on the topic of realization I noted that I have not apologized for my absence from this space last week.
So a big apology to all my readers, and heartfelt gratitude for people who worried about my absence. I was just a little busy with some stuff and blogging kinda took a back seat. However I am back!!!
So keep blogging all of you!!!
I confess...
The beauties in question were exquisite, powerful, tempremental and the pride of their owners!!!
One was the 500CC std. Enfield of Ranjith. Great vehicle. Got the phots...will try to post it soon. His bike has a military feel to it. I like that look a lot!!! Ranjith, lets here mor about your relation with her on your blog!!!
The other beauty was the new Indica bought by Mandar. Now this is one beauty with a large heart and a large bosom. The color of this vehicle was a very fine color of mettalic blue. I think the actual shade is called Amethyst Blue. One really smooth vehicle. 1600CC, Diesel engine, power steering, central locking, sony system...great vehilce. Good buy Mandar!
Cn't wait for my vehicle to come!!!
Manchester United 1 - Arsenal 1 !!!!!
However my honest opinion is that the match was Arsenal’s to win. They should have sealed Man U’s fate but let them go scot-free. I think Arsene tried to get defensive too early ion the second half. Arsenal was better when they were positive and attacking.
Anyways this result will not affect the leader board too much and Arsenal seem all set to win the Premiership this year However one is left wondering that the Gunners have still not managed to stamp their authority over the Devils.
Great Innings by Sehwag!!
Sunday, March 28, 2004
A night at Gaurav, Parag and Surya's Kholi :)
First Parag treated us to exquisitely fried fish. The taste was just out of this add the good feeling was the aroma...hmmmm... nothing like fried fish to uplift one’s spirits. When you add the fact that we actually had some spirits (Chivas Regal to be specific) then you can understand that the environment (mahol) was getting to be quite enjoyable.
We started off by playing UNO. This is one hell of a game. Had great fun, especially when Surya had to keep picking up cards as he kept forgetting to say UNO at the penultimate cards. This was all the more hilarious as he felt that this was the most stupid rule and no one would forget such a simple rule, and here he was picking up card after card :D. However full marks to Surya for being a very good sport!!! I for one will be ready to play another game with him anytime.
And we must not forget Parag picking up a card and forfeiting his turn though he had both a number card to play as well as a colour card and could have played either. Thoda high ho gaya hoga J
On the food front we moved to the main course…roti, chawal, chole, raita and gobi. I cannot speak for the roti as I did not have any. I preferred the combination of rice and chole with raita. My all time fav…especially as the raita was boondi raita J And the chole was fabulous…do not take my word for it…check this out with the best chole maker this side of the Vindhya’s…my wife. Both of us absolutely loved the chole…so if any of you PYT’s want a husband who can cook a killer meal of chole then try out Gaurav J (for fried fish Parag is available J)
Anyways after the meal we moved on to light entertainment; playing all MP3s and dancing till midnight.
A fabulous evening with great people…a most auspicious way to enjoy the weekend.
Song of the evening … “Jahan Chaar Yaar Mil Jaye Wahin Raat Ho Gulzar” – Sharabi.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday Five
1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
- Continental
2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
- Books
3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?
- Detective (Noir)
4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?
- Programming
5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
- Hard Jazz
Learn more of friday five at the following site: the friday five.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Result of malaysian grand prix web poll
Monday, March 22, 2004
Dravid shines again; so does Schumi!!!
First Schumi and Ferrari gave a big morale buster to the rest of the field by Schumi winning the Malaysian Grand Prix and Barrichelo coming in fourth. By winning on a track which was supposedly not so great for his car he again hpwed his quality. Hats off to him.
On to the match. Over the last few matches I have been of the view that it is the responsibility of the openers to stick till at least the 10th over. If they do make fast runs it doesn't hurt but sticking around also helps the team by wasting the efforts of the opposing lead bowlers. For eg. Sehwag might score a blistering 25 in 15 balls but he needs to be around otherwise we will reach the situation we reached today. Thanks again to the WALL and to the two youngsters, Yuvraj and Kaif for not losing their heads and playing a very composed innings. This victory is only due to their efforts. And a special thanks to our fourth batsman...the Pakistani bowlers.
Just check these stats of the top four scores of the Indian innings.
R Dravid not out 76 runs in 141 balls
M Kaif not out 71 runs in 79 balls
Extras 37 runs in 0 balls
Yuvraj Singh c Yousuf Youhana b Mohammad Sami 36runs in 44 balls.
So again, a special thank you to the Pakistani bowlers!!!
And of course one more thank you to Dravid cause...
Sunday, March 21, 2004
CSS Color Names
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Atoms, RSS feeds, Aggregators, Comments and Trackbacks and more!!!
Friday, March 19, 2004
Friday Five.
- Life is a Highway- Tom Cochrane.
2. What were the last two movies you saw?
- Ab Tak Chappan - one of the best movies of recent times in Hindi cinema.
- Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King.
3. What were the last three things you purchased?
- Maggi Instant Noodles
- Iced Mocha
- Pizza
4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
- Study quotations for new car.
- Watch Malaysian Grand Prix. Hope ferrari do good here.
- Write a scope document related to my work.
- Watch 4th India-Pak one day match(Cricket). Very important for India to win this one.
5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
- Meghna - my wife
- Jenny - my friend
- Ravi - my friend and team-mate
- Niraj - my friend and team-mate
- Arvind - my friend and team-mate
Learn more of friday five at the following site: the friday five.
Neil Gaiman...the man behind Sandman!!!
For me Neil Gaiman is GAWD for one thing and one thing alone...He made "SANDMAN". I am not in any way capable of giving a precis on the Sandman series. Suffice it to know that if you see the Sandaman comic anywhere, then beg, borrow or steal it as each of this comic is a reaaaaal trip. I kid you not!!!
It is one of the best series ever and really really deep. (please do not confuse this sandman with the sandman from the golden age of Marvel Heroes). So kiddos go out and get it!!!
You can find his blog here: Neil Gaiman's Journal
One more friend in the blogsphere!!!
Now before anyone jumps to a conclusion that I am writing this piece in a kind of I'll scratch your back you scratch mine attitude please allow me to continue.
Anyways I was going through his blogs in chronological order and ended up at the latest. Now please bear in mind that I was in his area due to the fact that the Dilbert feed connected with him and he wanted to help spread the word. Well the same feeling came to me reading his blog for the 17th as i was about Neil Gaiman. Don't know who I am speaking of? I will explain more in the next blog.
As I was saying trackback is good. Thanks DarthPedro for taking the trouble to use this service.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Manjrekar was the cause of our loss!!!
It is a proven scientific fact (generalizing wildly and using lot of imaginative leeway of course!) that whenever Manjrekar comments about how great the Little Master is, and how difficult it is for bowlers to get him out, his wicket falls. Even this time just when Manjrekar mentioned that it looks like Sachin will be difficult to dislodged he got out...that too to the very next ball. And this is not the first time!!! I have seen this happen for the last 3-4 years. Sachin did not perform too well in the world cup due to Manjrekar. In Australia with no Manjrekar around Sachin flourished. So the secret to winning this series...bring Manjrekar home!!! And if possible ask him to bring along Sami and Shoaib too :)
But I see you are still not convinced. You say what about the good performances of Balaji and Powar? Well you can thank my wife for that. She studiously kept her head buried in the daily paper and that is the reason they flourished!!! Guess I am going to buy all the daily papers for the next match. My wife's ken will beat Manjrekar's ken any-day!!! :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Pakistan 1 India 1
However I was more interested with the Prasar Bharti fiasco. How can a company take a free feed from someone else and still have the shamelessness of showing their own ads. Many Indians are pissed of at Ten sports for supposedly playing spoilsport. I must disagree with this view. Ten runs a business and as such they are going to watch their bottom line. It is not for them but for the government and Prasar Bharti to worry about the Indian people. If Prasar Bharti had shown last matches telecast without trying to make money by showing their own ads then they would have got the higher moral ground and Ten Sports would also have been pacified. Instead Prasar Bharti just showed what top class idiots they are by not only taking apiece of the pie but also leaving the signal unencrypted thus affecting Ten’s profits all over the world!!!
The government could have solved this issue as soon as Ten had got the rights by getting into the act earlier and convincing them to let DD also show the feed for a minimal cost with unaltered signal. I am sure that sooner or later Ten would have seen the benefit of letting their signal ride on DD thereby getting a chance to reach all oparts of India.
We Indians need to come to a decision and need to make that decision soon, do we want to take the capitalism path. If we do then we need to understand, appreciate and respect the market. A monopoly is bad but so is stealing. I am not trying to take a holier than thou position here as I am myself guilty of these very acts. However in the whole picture we need to inculcate an attitude where we either pay for what we want or else make do with the alternative. That is how the open market works and we cannot step into it half-hearted. We cannot try to use Socialistic ideas whenever it inconvenient and capitalist ideas on other days. It has to be a full push towards one or the other goal. Looking at the state of socialism around the world, and considering how Indians are more materialistic then communal in today’s age, I guess the only real approach is capitalism for us. In this atmosphere stupid acts like ones by Prasar Bharti cannot and should not be tolerated.
What do you the esteemed reader think?
Check out this pic of all ten England fielders round the bat, West Indies on the receiving end of a field setting that used to be their speciality.
Ides of March
Yesterday was the Ides of March and I had my warnings. I almost went the way of Caesar but clear sense prevailed and I was saved. Maybe I am being melodramatic but the 15th of this month is quite a date for me as it is closure of all the year’s finances for my company. In other words means that it is the last day to put in your claims. People who know me will realize how this is one of the most difficult chores for me. Nonetheless this time I grit my teeth and managed to find every damn bill from the whole of last year and (surprise, surprise!!!) managed to file all of them in TIME!!!
It saved me a hell lot of money and pleasantly surprised all people close to me (especially my darling). I even managed to get a few comments on my growing sense of responsibility and maturity. Luckily for me she does not know that I watched WWE at night. : D
Getting back to the claims part, is it just me who hates taking care of all the bills and making claims to the finance departments? An open question to all of you. Please feel free to use the comments link to answer.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Dilbert RSS feed
Next gen browsers - Firefox!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2004
once more refactoring of the page.
Please note that I have also changed the date format for the archives to make it less foreboding and added the poll as a link to the top of the page.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
1 down 4 to go!
Nonetheless for all the problems both teams had the match was great fun. It was to be expected that the ODI series is going to have batting friendly wickets but the totals amassed was way beyond expectations. It was a treat to watch Sehwag, Ganguly and Dravid play the innings they did. (At this point I just wanted to put forth a new idea…how about Sehwag gets only half his match fee if he does not last till at least the 25th over
A special mention must be made of the crowd who made it a point to applaud good cricket irrespective of nationality. With such auspicious beginnings we could resurrect the greatest rivalry of all time. Here’s to a hope that all the other matches are played with equal enthusiasm (albeit with less mistakes and more accurate and tighter bowling
An aside, did anyone notice the look on Shoaib Akhtar’s face when he bowled out Dravid. He was happy for the wicket as signified by his upraised hands but I felt that his face betrayed a tinge of sadness for Dravid. This was the first time I have seen a muted celebration of a wicket by Shoaib. I guess it shows that the respect for a good cricketer knows no boundaries.
Footnote: Pak got back by winning the hockey game against India 4-2. Well you win some and you lose some
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
We are going to Athens :-D
Scripting News feed
(Of course the only minus point is that my page will miss the hits:( )
Changing the subject; looking forward to the India-Pak test series more than the onedayers. Nowadays with tests giving results onedayers feel like half the fun!!!
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
About Blogs, Atoms and RSS feed!
However at this point you will still only have the functionality to put up your blogs. If you are using BlogSpot then you will have to use an external agency like Haloscan for putting up comments (Comments are integral to RediffBlog and BlogDrive) and trackbacks. More about trackbacks later.
One interesting thing that almost all of these sites provide is a functionality called site feed. This site feed is in one of two forms either RSS or ATOM. Read about RSS ( check for definition in this page ) here: What is RSS? [Dec. 18, 2002] and about Atom here: BLOGGER - Knowledge Base - What is Atom?. Basically both of these are protocols of representation of the data you put up. If this feature is enabled then every time you post, in addition to serving the new web page, the blogging engine also creates an XML feed of the page. Softwares like blog readers or blog aggregators can then read this feed. A blog-reader is just like a newsreader (I use SharpReader. Read more about it here: SharpReader's home page). It makes the job of a blog surfer very easy as the software collects all the latest blogs from all the sites you have subscribed to and you can read all his info from one program rather than having to visit each site. This makes for more efficient blog surfing. Read more about this at Can RSS Relieve Information Overload? and at How To Speed-Read the Net - Ditch your browser, RSS makes surfing for news a joy. By Paul Boutin.
Keeping this in mind it is the duty of every blogger to make the life of the reader a little bit easier by setting up this functionality for his/her site. If I am not mistaken this functionality is a default in RediffBlogs. In BlogSpot one has to go to settings/site feed and enable the functionality. For bloggers like most of us I prefer to give the full text but the choice is yours. I am sorry I have no idea how to do this for BlogDrive.
So all of you Bloggers and would-be Bloggers do not forget to add the feed. May our tribe increase!!!
P.S: BlogDrive users do have other plus points, like their Blogdrive Mini-MEditor . If you are a blogdrive user you really need to use this.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Schumi starts the season with a win!!! YES!!! Loved the race. The best thing was that this race proved nothing. My feeling is that it is going to be a close run thing this season, and Schumi is gonna win:D Was checking out the F1 mag in Crossword and read some excerpts of an article by Hakkinen about this season. He pointed out that he did not think that Ferrari had the best car. However he said that this was not good news for other teams as Schumi ends up driving even better when he has a car which is not performing to the best of it's ability. According to Hakkinen the secret of Schumi's success, and the reason he is such a dangerous competitor, is that he is driven and never gives up. He does not let the past colour his present and just keeps pushing on and on. These are he same reasons I love the guy. And before Raoul gets into the fray with the cheating part, I must point out that last year I spent considerable reading up on F1 history and I so not see the facts in the same light as he does:) Guess we can always agree to disagree!!!
Again no links as a simple google will get you everything you require.
Really sleep so I will sign off...G'Night!!!
Sunday, March 07, 2004
I heard about Blogger and blogging sometime in 2002. At that point I was still quite confused with all the stuff happening on the net and was slightly overawed. I must confess that I have a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde character with respect to technology. I am both a big techno-phobic as well as a techno-fanatic. Anyways everything be as it may, I did not get involved.
This year I got a new Internet connection at home and started to surf the net at home rather than in the office. During one of these nocturnal sessions, I suddenly remembered about my curiosity regarding Blogs. The name, which popped out of my head, was of course Blogger; hence I searched for a and started blogging. The intention at that point was to work on my writing skills by writing something everyday and try to live by that discipline. Writing regularly was something that a lot of people had advised me to do and an article in Joel’s archive(Joel on Software - Painless Functional Specifications - Part 1: Why Bother?: search for weblog in his page) just helped me make the decision. As writing on paper marinating some kind of Diary was not my style I decided on a blogsite. This site would also help me fulfil another to-do item of having a website. Work on the blogsite would help me narrow down what I wanted out of my website! Again, irrespective of all logic and reasoning and gut feel etc. I started the blogsite and by doing so made blogging an integral part of my everyday life.
I am my Ego and over time I have found out that I will do almost anything to win a bet or to escape being ridiculed. In my younger days this ended up being self-defeating, as I would do nothing innovative or different. Nowadays I am much more secure and confident and am not ready to throw myself off a cliff. My Ego normally helps me nowadays to maintain what I have begun and try to stick with it till it is successful. I took the same approach with my blogsite. On the 3rd day itself I had broadcasted the presence of this site to anyone who came in contact with me. I even went to the limit of actually setting up my site on people’s computers so that they had to read it. His helped me immensely as now I had an audience and I had to keep writing or face the ignominy of failure and the ridicule of almost everyone I knew. Yes! It is official, your reading and hits are the fuel that drives me to provide constant and consistent content on this site. Hopefully this site will become better with time.
In addition to the obvious advantages that I gain by writing daily, viz. Formulation of a personal say and better-written communication, I was pleasantly surprised by certain side effects:
1. Many of my friends started blogs of their own. This was very useful as I had my gang with me as we stepped into the big blog world,
2. Made new friends in this new world, friends who shared the same passion with me with respect to blogging, and
3. Felt a part of an ever-growing community. This was not something that I had envisaged (though looking back it was pretty evident that it would be so) and hence was all the more sweeter.
As usual I fumble for words to close this blog. Just wanted to create a milestone for myself with this blog. A point where I could stand on the rooftops and confess, �Yes! I am a blogger�. So what are you folks waiting for? Take the plunge; you have nothing to fear but bad grammar!!!
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Anyway to kick off this joyous occasion I thought I would put up a poll for gauging who you think will be winning the Australian Grand Prix. So folks please feel free to vote in he poll set-up in the side panel. The poll is just below the archives section. It will be good practice for the coming elections:D
I am of course a Schumi fan and a fan of the scarlet car! What about you? But the new BMW does look kewl:D
cryptic crosswords anyone?
Friday, March 05, 2004
Technical days are the best!!!
Anyways enuff about me... lets see what our friends at Severely Confused Orangutans are doing by checking out these three articles : IBM ordered to provide SCO with code, documents - Computerworld & Document shows SCO prepped lawsuit against BofA - News - ZDNet & SCO Collides With Cars And Drivers (
Pawan, Ranjeet and Roadshakers!!!
And these guys travelled all the way from Punjab to Goa for the meet of Enfield lovers!!!
And now for Pakau time: I have been speaking of Yam and Bull for a couple of days now and have started getting dreams of Death in the form of Yama on his Buffalo. Ha ha ha! No ha ha??? Well!!! I did point out it was Pakau!!!
Orisinal : Morning Sunshine
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Tribute to a Yam!
Hence this ode to the Yam.
Links: none for today as I am not in the mood. However Raoul seems to be big time blog-surfing I thought I might introduce him to others. Raoul is my friend, nuff said:)
P.S: The yam I speak about on he top is the RX-100. I am a fanatic of RX-100s specially the one with the black tank with thin gold trimmings. Please do not speak of any other Yam model except the RX-100, they do not deserve to spoken on the same page as a Yam RX-100 or a Bull. Other bikes!!! Please let's forget we even thought of speaking about other bikes:D
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Links and an excuse!
First Sujith has updated his site. Speaking of Sujith he should now rename his site from Title_TBD to B(ack)LOG :)
N'ways he has written a lot of stuff (conscience acting up???) this time around. I specially liked his LOTR article. Do not forget to follow the link in the article to another site where there is a spoof on LOTR. This site basically gives us a glimpse of how LOTR would have looked like had it been written by other famous authors. I specially like the Ernest Hemmingway version and the Meatloaf version. So what are you waiting for, open Sujith's site in a new window and read the article.
People (xcept Pawan and Sarat) have been all updating their sites with thought-provoking and interesting posts so please do move around.
Links of the day:
.Spent lot of time on Joel's site today going through his archive. Reading back on a certain article I followed his link to the following page nomo zilla. Interesting reading which gives us a perspective on how Netscape lost the web-browser war.
. Check out this page 2 + 2. The disenchanted articles are really good but this one was very well written. Again I am not in a position to judge it but it did bring back a lot of information I used to know about pi and phi and came to know about a concept called strange attractors. A must-visit.
.Continuing in the same techie frame of mind I ended up, yet again at Joel's site. As a parting link for the day visit User Interface Design for Programmers - Chapter 1. Well worth it!!! Check out this sneak preview "So that's what days were like. A bunch of tiny frustrations, and a bunch of tiny successes. But they added up. Even something which seems like a tiny, inconsequential frustration affects your mood. Your emotions don't seem to care about the magnitude of the event, only the quality.
And I started to learn that the days when I was happiest were the days with lots of small successes and few small frustrations.
Years later, when I got to college, I learned about an important theory of psychology called Learned Helplessness, developed by Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman. This theory, backed up by years of research, is that a great deal of depression grows out of a feeling of helplessness: the feeling that you cannot control your environment."
Of course the above extract is taken out of context, so go on, visit the site. It will be useful!
And Good Night all!
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Link round-up of the day - offshoring!
The world's a stage...!
However the drama I speak of is defined as : a play in a theatre or on television or radio. I really love plays. In recent years I enjoy watching Marathi plays on Alpha TV, though I find the language a bit tough. In earlier days I used to watch Malayali plays when drama troupes used to visit Vashi. However over a period of time I find that quality of plays have suffered and most profitable plays tend to be of the slapstick variety. There are many reasons for this downfall and maybe we can discuss these reasons in another post. The silver lining is that there are still plays being written and performed which are unique, serious and makes one question oneself. It is sad that these plays make up only 5-10% of the whole gamut but at least they are there.
As I have mentioned in the previous paragraphs I love watching plays. However what I love even better is reading them. There is an unique pleasure in reading plays. You are the director, the actor and the audience. Your imagination gets a complete workout. Reading plays is not like reading prose, primarily due to the inherent structure. Prose is not as easy to read aloud as are plays. Plays also tend to have more dialogues in them, these dialogues being very expressive as the dialogues have to convey a lot of emotions. In prose the writer is not bound by dialogues and can express himself more freely. However due to this lack of the spoken words prose is not fun to act out. This is the precise reason that despite the greatness of a novel it takes a skilled playwright to convert it into a great movie.
Though I like reading plays I prefer reading stuff like Shakespeare as prose because I find the Old English quite difficult. Furthermore over the years my patience is not what it used to be . More often than not modern plays irritate me. So nowadays to get my kick of reading a play to myself I read screenplays of my favourite movies. For e.g.. I have read the screenplay for Pulp Fiction at least 15 times. Another great script that I regularly read is The Dead Poet's Society.
I would highly recommend all of you to try reading screenplays out. Choose your favourite English movie, stop over at the sites pointed to by this search(Google Search: film scripts) and read the screenplay. It is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon indoors.
P.S:I glanced at my post again and am embarrassed at the way all my thoughts are just flying around without coming together. Specially after reading beautifully put ideas in other blogs. Got to keep trying harder. Maybe I need to implement reviewing in my blogs too:( :D Any advise?