Monday, January 19, 2004


Yup that's the word on everybody's lips after today's one day cricket match of India against the Australians. Really lifts up one's spirit after a day like that. There are two specific points in today's game which struck me:
1. Our performance was of such a sterling quality that there was no doubt in anyone's mind that we we were deserving winners and,
2. We WON :)

I could spend an whole afternoon dissecting the above statements but not here and not now. Instead I will lay to rest my blog of the day with a link Bully-proof and with the happy thought that win or lose our team's performance is no longer of the flash-in-a-pan variety.


P.S: Australia has reared it's ugly;) head in another sport by defeating Pakistan in the Azlan Shah Cup. This is one of those occasions where a victory by Pakistan would have been better than the end result of the day:) Must have been a great match looking at the score 4-3.